Title of the Paper: Towards Ensemble-Based Kilometer-Scale Climate Simulations over the Third Pole Region
Author: Prein, A.F., Ban, N., Ou, T., Tang, J., Sakaguchi, K., Collier, E., Jayanarayanan, S., Li, L., Sobolowski, S., Chen, X., Zhou, X., Lai, H.-W., Sugimoto, S., Zou, L., ul Hasson, S., Ekstrom, M., Pothapakula, P.K., Ahrens, B., Stuart, R., Steen-Larsen, H.C., Leung, R., Belusic, D., Kukulies, J., Curio, J., Chen, D.
The title of Journal: CLIMATE DYNAMICS
Volume period: 60, 4055-4081
Publication year: 2023
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06543-3.