Associate Professor
Jie Huang
Associate Professor
Building 3, Courtyard 16, Lincui Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Education and Appointments
Ph.D, Physical Geography; Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011
B.S., Physical Geography; Lanzhou University, 2005
Associate Professor, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013-present
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011-2012

Research Interest
Research Interests: Mercury biogeochemical cycling in the world's third pole, Potential influence of transboundary Hg pollution to the third pole region, Using stable Hg isotopes to further investigate the two interests above mentioned (start from 2018). 
Reasearch Field: Cryospheric environment.

Selected Publications

1.Kang, S., and J. Huang (2020), Cryospheric Chemistry (Textbook), Science Press.

2.Huang, J.*, Kang, S., Yin, R., Lin, M., Guo, J., Ram, K., Li, C., Sharma, C., Tripathee, L., Sun, S., and F. Wang (2020), Decoupling natural and anthropogenic mercury and lead transport from South Asia to the Himalayas, Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 5429-5436.

3.Sun, R., Sun, G., Kwon, S.Y., Feng, X., Kang, S., Zhang, Q., Huang, J.*, and R. Yin* (2020), Mercury biogeochemistry over the Tibetan Plateau: An overview, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 1-26.

4.Huang, J.*, Kang, S., Yin, R., Guo, J., Lepak, R., Mika, S., Tripathee, L., and S. Sun (2020), Mercury isotopes in frozen soils reveal transboundary atmospheric mercury deposition over the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, Environmental Pollution, 256, 113432.

5.Huang, J.*, Kang, S., Yin, R., Ram, K., Liu, X., Lu, H., Guo, J., Chen, S., and L. Tripathee (2020), Desert dust as a significant carrier of atmospheric mercury, Environmental Pollution, 267, 115442.

6.Huang, J.*, Kang, S., Ma, M., Guo, J., Cong, Z., Dong, Z., Yin, R., Xu, J., Tripathee, L., Ram, K., and F. Wang (2019), Accumulation of atmospheric mercury in glacier cryoconite over Western China, Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 6632-6639.

7.Tripathee, L., Guo, J.*, Kang, S., Paudyal, R., Huang, J.*, Sharma, C.M., Zhang, Q., Chen, P., Ghimire, P.S., and M. Sigdel (2019), Spatial and temporal distribution of total mercury in atmospheric wet precipitation at four sites from the Nepal-Himalayas, Science of the Total Environment, 655, 1207-1217.

8.Kang, S.*, J. Huang, F. Wang, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Li, L. Wang, P. Chen, C. M. Sharma, and Q. Li (2016), Atmospheric mercury depositional chronology reconstructed from lake sediments and ice core in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, Environmental Science & Technology, 50(6), 2859-2869.

9.Huang, J., S. Kang*, L. Tian, J. Guo, Q. Zhang, Z. Cong, M. Sillanp, S. Sun, and L. Tripathee (2016), Influence of long-range transboundary transport on atmospheric water vapor mercury collected at the largest city of Tibet, Science of the Total Environment, 566567, 1215-1222.

10.Huang, J., S. Kang*, J. Guo, Q. Zhang, Z. Cong, M. Sillanp, G. Zhang, S. Sun, and L. Tripathee (2016), Atmospheric particulate mercury in Lhasa city, Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Environment, 142, 433-441.

11.Huang, J., S. Kang*, Q. Zhang, J. Guo, M. Sillanp, Y. Wang, S. Sun, X. Sun, and L. Tripathee (2015), Characterizations of wet mercury deposition on a remote high-elevation site in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Environmental Pollution, 206, 518-526.

12.Huang, J., S. Kang*, J. Guo, M. Sillanp, Q. Zhang, X. Qin, W. Du, and L. Tripathee (2014), Mercury distribution and variation on a high-elevation mountain glacier on the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Environment, 96, 27-36.

13.Huang, J., S. Kang*, Q. Zhang, J. Guo, P. Chen, G. Zhang, and L. Tripathee (2013), Atmospheric deposition of trace elements recorded in snow from the Mt. Nyainqêntanglha region, southern Tibetan Plateau, Chemosphere, 92(8), 871-881.

14.Huang, J., S. Kang*, Wang, L. Wang, Q. Zhang, J. Guo, K. Wang, G. Zhang, and L. Tripathee (2013), Wet deposition of mercury at Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet, Science of the Total Environment, 447, 123-132.

15.Zhang, Q., Huang, J., Wang, F., Loewen, M., Xu, J., Armstrong, D., Li, C., Zhang, Y., Kang, S.*, 2012. Mercury distribution and deposition in glacier snow over western China. Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 5404-5413.

16.Huang, J., S. Kang*, Q. Zhang, H. Yan, J. Guo, M. G. Jenkins, G. Zhang, and K. Wang (2012), Wet deposition of mercury at a remote site in the Tibetan Plateau: Concentrations, speciation, and fluxes, Atmospheric Environment, 62, 540-550.

17.Huang, J., S. Kang*, Q. Zhang, M. Jenkins, J. Guo, G. Zhang, and K. Wang (2012), Spatial distribution and magnification processes of mercury in snow from high-elevation glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Environment, 46, 140-146.

18.Huang, J., S. Kang*, J. Guo, Q. Zhang, M. Jenkins, G. Zhang, and K. Wang (2012), Seasonal variations, speciation and possible sources of mercury in the snowpack of Zhadang glacier, Mt. Nyainqêntanglha, southern Tibetan Plateau, Science of the Total Environment, 429, 223-230.

19.Kang, S. C.*, J. Huang, and Y. W. Xu (2008), Changes in ionic concentrations and δ18O in the snowpack of Zhadang glacier, Nyainqentanglha mountain, southern Tibetan Plateau, Annals of Glaciology, 49(1), 127-134.