
2001.09-2006.07   北京师范大学,硕博连读 

2006.07-2010.04   中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,博士后 

2010.05-2011.10   中国科学院青藏高原研究所,项目副研究员 

2011.11- 今      中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副研究员



重建了巴基斯坦(400年)和伊朗(700年)夏季温度变化历史,揭示出高原西风入口区响应全球气候变化的同步性(Asad et al., 2017, Climate Dynamics)和上游区的独特性(Bayramzadeh et al., 2018, Science Bulletin)。巴基斯坦存在明显的小冰期和20世纪变暖,而处于上游区的伊朗则不明显。但在个别冷暖时段,伊朗与欧洲的同步性比亚洲强。


提出了一套高精度树轮冰川学研究方法(Zhu et al., 2019, Global and Planetary Change),重建了过去200年来南亚季风边缘区(尼泊尔西部中喜马拉雅山区)冰川的五次较为明显的进退波动事件(Sigdel et al., 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research),揭示出季风西部边缘区与东部核心区冰川动态的一致性(1790s,1920s和1960s)和差异性事件(1930s和1970s)。


确定了喜马拉雅山-念青唐古拉山-横断山区冰川退缩后先锋树种的定居期(约3-11年),并揭示了冰川在过去120年的加速退缩和森林快速跟进的过程(Sigdel et al., 2020;Zhu et al., 2019)。结合同位素模型模拟,提出树轮氧同位素的“土壤含水量效应”(Huang et al., 2020, Earth and Planetary Science Letters),并揭示了冬季温度通过“雪深-融水-土壤含水量-土壤水氧同位素-树轮氧同位素”传输的过程。





1. Sigdel, S.R., Zhang, H., Zhu, H.F.*, Muhammad, S., Liang, E., 2020. Retreating Glacier and Advancing Forest Over the Past 200 Years in the Central Himalayas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 125, e2020JG005751.

2. Huang, Ru, Zhu, H.F.*, Liang, E., Griecinger, J., Wernicke, J., Yu, W.S., Hochreuther, P., Risi, C., Zeng, Y.J., Fremme, A., 2019. Temperature signals in tree-ring oxygen isotope series from the northern slope of the Himalaya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 506, 455-465.

3. Zhu, H.F.*, Shao, X.M., Zhang, H., Asad, F., Sigdel, S.R., Huang, Ru, Li, Y.N., Liu, W.W., Muhammad, S., Hussain, I., 2019. Trees record changes of the temperate glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau: Potential and uncertainty. Global and Planetary Change. 173, 15-23.

4. Bayramzadeh, V., Zhu, H.F.*, Lu, X.M., Attarod, P., Zhang, H., Li, X.X., Asad, F., Liang, E., 2018. Temperature variability in Northern Iran during the past 700 years. Science Bulletin. 63, 462-464.

5. Asad, F., Zhu, H.F.*, Zhang, H., Liang, E., Muhammad, S., Farhan, S.B., Hussain, I., Wazir, M.A., Ahmed, M., Esper, J., 2017. Are Karakoram temperatures out of phase compared to hemispheric trends? Climate Dynamics. 48, 3381-3390.

所有文章: all other publications (exclude part 1)

1. Lu, X.M., Huang, Ru, Wang, Y.F., Zhang, B.Q., Zhu, H.F., Camarero, J.J., Liang, E., 2020. Spring Hydroclimate Reconstruction on the South‐Central Tibetan Plateau Inferred From Juniperus Pingii Var. Wilsonii Shrub Rings Since 1605. Geophysical Research Letters. 47, e2020GL087707.

2. Fu, T., Liang, E., Lu, X.M., Gao, S., Zhang, L., Zhu, H.F., Rossi, S., Camarero, J.J., 2020. Tree growth responses and resilience after the 1950-Zayu-Medog earthquake, southeast Tibetan Plateau. Dendrochronologia. 62, 125724.

3. Xu, C.X., Zhu, H.F.*, Nakatsuka, T., Sano, M., Li, Z., Shi, F., Liang, E., Guo, Z.T., 2019. Sampling strategy and climatic implication of tree-ring cellulose oxygen isotopes of Hippophae tibetana and Abies georgei on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Biometeorology. 63, 679-686.

4. Huang, Ru, Zhu, H.F.*, Liang, E., Liu, B., Shi, J.F., Zhang, R.B., Yuan, Y.J., Griecinger, J., 2019. A tree ring-based winter temperature reconstruction for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau since 1340 CE. Climate Dynamics. 53, 3221-3233.

5. Wang, Y.F., Case, B., Lu, X.M., Ellison, A.M., Pecuelas, J., Zhu, H.F., Liang, E., Camarero, J.J., 2019. Fire facilitates warming-induced upward shifts of alpine treelines by altering interspecific interactions. Trees. 33, 1051-1061.

6. Huang, Ru, Zhu, H.F.*, Liang, E., Griecinger, J., Dawadi, B., Brouning, A., 2019. High-elevation shrub-ring δ18O on the northern slope of the central Himalayas records summer (May–July) temperatures. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 524, 230-239.

7. Huang, Ru, Zhu, H.F.*, Liang, E., Asad, F., Griecinger, J., 2019. A tree-ring–based summer (June–July) minimum temperature reconstruction for the western Kunlun Mountains since AD 1681. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 138, 673-682.

8. Liang, E., Dawadi, B., Pederson, N., Piao, S.L., Zhu, H.F., Sigdel, S.R., Chen, D.L., 2019. Strong link between large tropical volcanic eruptions and severe droughts prior to monsoon in the central Himalayas revealed by tree-ring records. Science Bulletin. 64, 1018-1023.

9. Meier, W.J., Aravena, J.C., Griecinger, J., Hochreuther, P., Soto-Rogel, P., Zhu, H.F., Pol-Holz, R.D., Schneider, C., Braun, M.H., 2019. Late Holocene Glacial Fluctuations of Schiaparelli Glacier at Monte Sarmiento Massif, Tierra del Fuego (54° 24′ S). Geosciences. 9, 340.

10. Li, M.Y., Duan, J.P., Wang, L.L., Zhu, H.F., 2018. Late summer temperature reconstruction based on tree-ring density for Sygera Mountain, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change. 163, 10-17.

11. Asad, F., Zhu, H.F., Jan, F., Yaseen, T., Khan, A., Khalid, M., 2018. Growth response of Pinus wallichiana to climatic factors from the Chiraah Karakoram region, Northern Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot. 50, 1805-1810.

12. Sigdel, S.R., Wang, Y.F., Camarero, J.J., Zhu, H.F., Liang, E., Pecuelas, J., 2018. Moisture‐mediated responsiveness of treeline shifts to global warming in the Himalayas. Global change biology. 24, 5549-5559.

13. Wernicke, J., Hochreuther, P., Griecinger, J., Zhu, H.F., Wang, L.L., Brouning, A., 2017. Air mass origin signals in δ 18 O of tree-ring cellulose revealed by back-trajectory modeling at the monsoonal Tibetan plateau. International Journal of Biometeorology. 61, 1109-1124.

14. Huang, Ru, Zhu, H.F., Liu, Xiaohong, Liang, E., Griecinger, J., Wu, G.J., Li, X.X., Brouning, A., 2017. Does increasing intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) stimulate tree growth at natural alpine timberline on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau?. Global and Planetary Change. 148, 217-226.

15. Wernicke, J., Hochreuther, P., Griecinger, J., Zhu, H.F., Wang, L.L., Brouning, A., 2017. Multi-century humidity reconstructions from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from tree-ring δ18O. Global and Planetary Change. 149, 26-35.

16. Yu, W.S., Tian, L.D., Yao, T.D., Xu, B.Q., Wei, F.L., Ma, Y.M., Zhu, H.F., Luo, L., Qu, D.M., 2017. Precipitation stable isotope records from the northern Hengduan Mountains in China capture signals of the winter India–Burma Trough and the Indian Summer Monsoon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 477, 123-133.

17. Asad, F., Zhu, H.F., Liang, E., Ali, M., Hamayun, M., Sigdel, S.R., Khalid, M., Hussain, I., 2017. Climate signal in tree-ring width chronologies of Pinus wallichiana from the Karakoram mountains in Northern Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot. 49, 2466-2473.

18. Liang, E., Wang, Y.F., Piao, S.L., Lu, X.M., Camarero, J.J., Zhu, H.F., Zhu, L.P., Ellison, A.M., Ciais, P., Pecuelas, J., 2016. Species interactions slow warming-induced upward shifts of treelines on the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113, 4380-4385.

19. Liu, B., Wang, Y.F., Zhu, H.F., Liang, E.Y., Camarero, J.J., 2016. Topography and age mediate the growth responses of Smith fir to climate warming in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Biometeorology. 60, 1577-1587.

20. Hochreuther, P., Wernicke, J., Griecinger, J., Molg, T., Zhu, H.F., Wang, L.L., Brouning, A., 2016. Influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole on tree-ring δ 18 O of monsoonal Southeast Tibet. Climatic Change. 137, 217-230.

21. Yin, Z.Y., Zhu, H.F., Huang, L., Shao, X.M., 2016. Reconstruction of biological drought conditions during the past 2847 years in an alpine environment of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China, and possible linkages to solar forcing. Global and Planetary Change. 143, 214-227.

22. Yu, W.S., Tian, L.D., Risi, C., Yao, T.D., Ma, Y.M., Zhao, H.B., Zhu, H.F., He, Y., Xu, B.Q., Zhang, H.B., 2016. δ18O records in water vapor and an ice core from the eastern Pamir Plateau: Implications for paleoclimate reconstructions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 456, 146-156.

23. Wang, Y.F., Zhu, H.F., Liang, E., Camarero, J.J., 2016. Impact of plot shape and size on the evaluation of treeline dynamics in the Tibetan Plateau. Trees. 30, 1045-1056.