

王君波,男,1977年生,中国科学院青藏高原研究所研究员,中国科学院纳木错多圈层综合观测研究站站长,中国海洋湖沼学会湖泊分会理事。主要从事青藏高原湖泊现代过程、湖泊沉积与古环境变化、第四纪与全球变化等方向的研究。以第一和通讯作者在“Journal of Hydrology”,“Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology”,“Journal of Geophysical Research”,“Journal of Great Lakes Research”,“The Holocene”、“Sedimentary Geology”、“Quaternary International”和“Journal of Paleolimnology”等期刊发表论文20余篇。 


2000.09 – 2005.07,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,博士 

1996.09 – 2000.07,兰州大学地理系,学士 


2019.12–  至今,中国科学院青藏高原研究所平台办公室,副主任 

2019.01–  至今,中国科学院纳木错多圈层综合观测研究站,站长 

2019.06–  至今,中国科学院青藏高原研究中心,研究员 







1. 国际大陆科学钻探计划(ICDP ):The Nam Co Drilling Project, Tibet (NamCore): A one million year sedimentary record from the third pole(2020—),Leading PI

2. 西藏自治区科技厅中央引导地方项目:西藏纳木错湖泊与环境监测平台体系建设与示范(2020–2023),主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:青藏高原湖泊热力学结构特征及其对气候变化的响应:观测与模拟(2019–2022),主持

4. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类):季风过渡区与中亚西风区湖泊沉积记录的气候转型与特征事件(2018-2023),子子课题负责人

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:MIS3阶段以来青藏高原色林错沉积物反映的季风西风相互作用研究(2016–2019),主持

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:末次冰盛期以来藏北当惹雍错湖泊沉积物反映的环境变化研究(2013–2016),主持

7. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类):末次冰盛期以来特征时段气候环境空间格局及其多圈层相互作用过程(2012–2017),专题负责人

8. 科技部基础性工作专项重点项目:青藏高原资料匮乏区综合科学考察(2012–2017),专题负责人

9. 科技部973全球变化专项:青藏高原高寒区不同补给湖泊生态系统演变及其对全球变化的响应(2012–2016),专题负责人

10. 中德合作项目(BMBF,CADY project):Reconstruction of westerly wind and monsoon variability in Central Asia using lake sediments from Tibet – environmental monitoring and proxy calibration(2011–2014),中方负责人

11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于时空监测的西藏纳木错现代沉积过程对环境代用指标的影响研究(2011–2013),主持

12. 国家自然科学青年基金:西藏纳木错沉积物分布规律及环境重建效应研究(2008–2010),主持



1. Wang, J., Huang, L., Ju, J., Daut, G., Ma, Q., Zhu, L., Haberzettl, T., Baade, J., M?usbacher, R., Hamilton, A., Graves, K., Olsthoorn, J., Laval, B.E., 2020. Seasonal stratification of a deep, high-altitude, dimictic lake: Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology 584, 124668.

2. Kai, J., Wang, J.*, Ju, J., Huang, L., Ma, Q., Daut, G., Zhu, L., 2020. Spatio-temporal variations of hydrochemistry and modern sedimentation processes in the Nam Co basin, Tibetan Plateau: Implications for carbonate precipitation. Journal of Great Lakes Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2020.1004.1006.

3. Wang, J., Huang, L., Ju, J., Daut, G., Wang, Y., Ma, Q., Zhu, L., Haberzettl, T., Baade, J., M?usbacher, R., 2019. Spatial and temporal variations in water temperature in a high-altitude deep dimictic mountain lake (Nam Co), central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Great Lakes Research 45, 212-223.

4. Yu, S., Wang, J.*, Li, Y., Peng, P., Kai, J., Kou, Q., Laug, A., 2019. Spatial distribution of diatom assemblages in the surface sediments of Selin Co, central Tibetan Plateau, China, and the controlling factors. Journal of Great Lakes Research 45, 1069-1079.

5. Gyawali, A.R., Wang, J.*, Ma, Q., Wang, Y., Xu, T., Guo, Y., Zhu, L., 2019. Paleo-environmental change since the Late Glacial inferred from lacustrine sediment in Selin Co, central Tibet. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516, 101-112.

6. Huang, L., Wang, J.*, Zhu, L., Ju, J., Daut, G., 2017. The Warming of Large Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence From a Lake Model Simulation of Nam Co, China, During 1979–2012. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122, 13095-13107.

7. Qiao, B., Wang, J.*, Huang, L., Zhu, L., 2017. Characteristics and seasonal variations in the hydrochemistry of the Tangra Yumco basin, central Tibetan Plateau, and responses to the Indian summer monsoon. Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 162.

8. Wang, Y.*, Wang, J.*, Zhu, L., Lin, X., Hu, J., Ma, Q., Ju, J., Peng, P., Yang, R., 2017. Mid- to late-Holocene paleoenvironmental changes inferred from organic geochemical proxies in Lake Tangra Yumco, Central Tibetan Plateau. The Holocene 27, 1475-1486.

9. Wang, J., Zhu, L., Wang, Y., Peng, P., Ma, Q., Haberzettl, T., Kasper, T., Matsunaka, T., Nakamura, T., 2017a. Variability of the 14C reservoir effects in Lake Tangra Yumco, Central Tibet (China), determined from recent sedimentation rates and dating of plant fossils. Quaternary International 430, Part B, 3-11.

10. Wang, J., Zhu, L., Wang, Y., Ju, J., Daut, G., Li, M., 2015. Spatial variability and the controlling mechanisms of surface sediments from Nam Co, central Tibetan Plateau, China. Sedimentary Geology 319, 69-77.

11. Wang, J., Zhu, L., Wang, Y., Gao, S., Daut, G., 2012. A comparison of different methods for determining the organic and inorganic carbon content of lake sediment from two lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International 250, 49-54.

12. Wang, J., Zhu, L., Wang, Y., Ju, J., Xie, M., Daut, G., 2010. Comparisons between the chemical compositions of lake water, inflowing river water, and lake sediment in Nam Co, central Tibetan Plateau, China and their controlling mechanisms. Journal of Great Lakes Research 36, 587-595.

13. Wang, J., Zhu, L., Daut, G., Ju, J., Lin, X., Wang, Y., Zhen, X., 2009. Investigation of bathymetry and water quality of Lake Nam Co, the largest lake on the central Tibetan Plateau, China. Limnology 10, 149-158.

14. Wang, J., Zhu, L., Nishimura, M., Nakamura, T., Ju, J., Xie, M., Takahiro, W., Testsuya, M., 2009. Spatial variability and correlation of environmental proxies during the past 18,000 years among multiple cores from Lake Pumoyum Co, Tibet, China. Journal of Paleolimnology 42, 303-315.

15. 开金磊, 王君波*, 黄磊, 汪勇, 鞠建廷, 朱立平, 2019. 西藏纳木错及其入湖河流溶解有机碳和总氮浓度的季节变化. 湖泊科学 31, 1099-1108.

16. 王君波, 鞠建廷, 朱立平, 2013. 季风期前后西藏纳木错湖水及入湖河流水化学特征变化. 地理科学 33, 90-96.

17. 王君波, 彭萍, 马庆峰, 朱立平, 2013. 西藏玛旁雍错和拉昂错水深、水质特征及现代沉积速率. 湖泊科学 25, 609-616.

18. 王君波, 朱立平, 汪勇, 高少鹏, Daut, G., 2011. 西藏纳木错现代沉积速率的空间分布特征及近60年来的变化研究. 第四纪研究 31, 535-543.

19. 王君波, 彭萍, 马庆峰, 朱立平, 2010. 西藏当惹雍错和扎日南木错现代湖泊基本特征. 湖泊科学 22, 629-632.

20. 王君波, 朱立平, Daut, G., 鞠建廷, 林晓, 汪勇, 甄晓林, 2009. 西藏纳木错水深分布及现代湖沼学特征初步分析. 湖泊科学 21, 128-134.

21. 王君波, 朱立平, 鞠建廷, 汪勇, 2009. 西藏纳木错东部湖水及入湖河流水化学特征初步研究. 地理科学 29, 288-293.

22. 王君波, 朱立平, 鞠建廷, 谢曼平, 汪勇, 2009. 西藏普莫雍错不同岩芯环境指标的对比研究及其反映的近 200 年来环境变化. 湖泊科学 21, 819-826.

23. 王君波, 朱立平, 2008. 藏南沉错钻孔沉积物金属元素分布特征及其与粒度的关系. 湖泊科学 20, 715-722.

24. 王君波, 朱立平, 2007. 藏南沉错沉积物有机质δ13C对湖区环境冷暖变化的响应. 海洋地质与第四纪地质 27, 113-120.

25. 王君波, 鞠建廷, 朱立平, 2007. 两种激光粒度仪测量湖泊沉积物粒度结果的对比. 湖泊科学 19, 509-515.

26. 王君波, 朱立平, 2005. 不同前处理对湖泊沉积物粒度测量结果的影响. 湖泊科学 17, 17-23.

27. 王君波, 朱立平, 2005. 青藏高原湖泊沉积与环境演变研究现状与展望. 地理科学进展 24, 1-12.

28. 王君波, 朱立平, 2002. 藏南沉错沉积物的粒度特征及其古环境意义. 地理科学进展 21, 459-467.



29. Li, J., Zhu, L., Li, M., Wang, J., Ma, Q., 2020. Origin of modern dolomite in surface lake sediments on the central and western Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International 544, 65-75.

30. Neupane, B., Wang, J., Kang, S., Zhang, Y., Chen, P., Rai, M., Guo, J., Yu, S., Thapa, P., 2020. Black carbon and mercury in the surface sediments of Selin Co, central Tibetan Plateau: Covariation with total carbon. Science of the Total Environment 721, 137752.

31. Nishimura, M., Matsunaka, T., Wang, J., Matoba, S., Tsushima, A., Zhu, L., Izutsu, Y., 2020. Sources and behavior of monsoon air masses in the lowest-latitude region on the Tibetan Plateau, and their paleoclimatic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 554, 109750.

32. Ma, Q., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Ju, J., Wang, Y., Lü, X., Kasper, T., Haberzettl, T., 2020. Late Holocene vegetation responses to climate change and human impact on the central Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment 708, 135370.

33. 朱立平, 彭萍, 张国庆, 乔宝晋, 刘翀, 杨瑞敏, 王君波, 2020. 全球变化下青藏高原湖泊在地表水循环中的作用. 湖泊科学 32, 597-608.

34. Chen, H., Zhu, L., Ju, J., Wang, J., Ma, Q., 2019. Temporal variability of 14C reservoir effects and sedimentological chronology analysis in lake sediments from Chibuzhang Co, North Tibet (China). Quaternary Geochronology 52, 88-102.

35. Ma, Q., Zhu, L., Lü, X., Wang, J., Ju, J., Kasper, T., Daut, G., Haberzettl, T., 2019. Late glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate variations at Lake Tangra Yumco, central Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change 174, 16-25.

36. Haberzettl, T., Daut, G., Schulze, N., Spiess, V., Wang, J., Zhu, L., the Nam Co workshop, p., 2019. ICDP workshop on scientific drilling of Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau: 1 million years of paleoenvironmental history, geomicrobiology, tectonics and paleomagnetism derived from sediments of a high-altitude lake. Scientific Drilling 25, 63-70.

37. Huang, A., Lazhu, Wang, J., Dai, Y., Yang, K., Wei, N., Wen, L., Wu, Y., Zhu, X., Zhang, X., Cai, S., 2019. Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Three 1-D Lake Models in a Large Deep Lake of the Central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124, 3143-3167.

38. Ji, M., Kong, W., Yue, L., Wang, J., Deng, Y., Zhu, L., 2019. Salinity reduces bacterial diversity, but increases network complexity in Tibetan Plateau lakes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95.

39. Laug, A., HamerlíK, L., Anslan, S., Engels, S., Turner, F., Wang, J., Schwalb, A., 2019. Acricotopus indet. morphotype incurvatus: Description and genetics of a new Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) larval morphotype from the Tibetan Plateau. Zootaxa 4656, 535-544.

40. Qiao, B., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Ju, J., Ma, Q., Huang, L., Chen, H., Liu, C., Xu, T., 2019. Estimation of lake water storage and changes based on bathymetric data and altimetry data and the association with climate change in the central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology 578, 124052.

41. Xu, T., Zhu, L., Lü, X., Ma, Q., Wang, J., Ju, J., Huang, L., 2019. Mid- to late-Holocene paleoenvironmental changes and glacier fluctuations reconstructed from the sediments of proglacial lake Buruo Co, northern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 517, 74-85.

42. Zhu, L., Wang, J., Ju, J., Ma, N., Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Han, B., Liu, L., Wang, M., Ma, Q., 2019. Climatic and lake environmental changes in the Serling Co region of Tibet over a variety of timescales. Science Bulletin 64, 422-424.

43. 高少鹏, 徐柏青, 王君波, 丛志远, 2019. 总有机碳分析仪准确测定湖泊沉积物中的TOC. 分析实验室 38, 413-416.

44. 刘金波, 孔维栋, 王君波, 刘晓波, 张国帅, 康世昌, 2019. 纳木错湖水体固碳微生物数量、群落结构及其驱动因子. 生态学报 39, 2772-2783.

45. 王琼, 王君波, 郭俊钰, 梁继, 2019. 基于支持向量机的色林错湖冰提取及时空分布. 载人航天 25, 789-798.

46. 许腾, 朱立平, 王君波, 鞠建廷, 马庆峰, 2019. 青藏高原北部冰前湖沉积记录的中晚全新世冰川活动. 第四纪研究 39, 717-730.

47. 朱少航, 朱立平, 王君波, 鞠建廷, 马庆峰, 陈浩, 许腾, 开金磊, 2019. 西藏玛旁雍错沉积揭示的晚冰期以来环境变化. 第四纪研究 39, 602-614.


48. Alivernini, M., Akita, L.G., Ahlborn, M., B?rner, N., Haberzettl, T., Kasper, T., Plessen, B., Peng, P., Schwalb, A., Wang, J., Frenzel, P., 2018. Ostracod-based reconstruction of Late Quaternary lake level changes within the Tangra Yumco lake system (southern Tibetan Plateau). Journal of Quaternary Science 33, 713-720.

49. Alivernini, M., Lai, Z., Frenzel, P., Fürstenberg, S., Wang, J., Guo, Y., Peng, P., Haberzettl, T., B?rner, N., Mischke, S., 2018. Late quaternary lake level changes of Taro Co and neighbouring lakes, southwestern Tibetan Plateau, based on OSL dating and ostracod analysis. Global and Planetary Change 166, 1-18.

50. Bruce, L.C., Frassl, M.A., Arhonditsis, G.B., Gal, G., Hamilton, D.P., Hanson, P.C., Hetherington, A.L., Melack, J.M., Read, J.S., Rinke, K., Rigosi, A., Trolle, D., Winslow, L., Adrian, R., Ayala, A.I., Bocaniov, S.A., Boehrer, B., Boon, C., Brookes, J.D., Bueche, T., Busch, B.D., Copetti, D., Cortés, A., de Eyto, E., Elliott, J.A., Gallina, N., Gilboa, Y., Guyennon, N., Huang, L., Kerimoglu, O., Lenters, J.D., MacIntyre, S., Makler-Pick, V., McBride, C.G., Moreira, S., ?zkundakci, D., Pilotti, M., Rueda, F.J., Rusak, J.A., Samal, N.R., Schmid, M., Shatwell, T., Snorthheim, C., Soulignac, F., Valerio, G., van der Linden, L., Vetter, M., Vin?on-Leite, B., Wang, J., Weber, M., Wickramaratne, C., Woolway, R.I., Yao, H., Hipsey, M.R., 2018. A multi-lake comparative analysis of the General Lake Model (GLM): Stress-testing across a global observatory network. Environmental Modelling & Software 102, 274-291.

51. Ahlborn, M., Haberzettl, T., Wang, J., Henkel, K., Kasper, T., Daut, G., Zhu, L., M?usbacher, R., 2017. Synchronous pattern of moisture availability on the southern Tibetan Plateau since 17.5 cal. ka BP – the Tangra Yumco lake sediment record. Boreas 46, 229-241.

52. Ju, J., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Cui, Y., Huang, L., Yang, R., Ma, Q., Luo, L., Wang, Y., 2017. Estimating the contribution of glacial meltwater to Ranwu Lake, a proglacial lake in SE Tibet, using observation data and stable isotopic analyses. Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 229.

53. Ma, Q., Zhu, L., Lu, X., Wang, Y., Guo, Y., Wang, J., Ju, J., Peng, P., Tang, L., 2017. Modern pollen assemblages from surface lake sediments and their environmental implications on the southwestern Tibetan Plateau. Boreas 46, 242-253.

54. Ma, Q., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Ju, J., Lü, X., Wang, Y., Guo, Y., Yang, R., Kasper, T., Haberzettl, T., Tang, L., 2017. Artemisia /Chenopodiaceae ratio from surface lake sediments on the central and western Tibetan Plateau and its application. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 479, 138-145.

55. Qiao, B., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Ju, J., Ma, Q., Liu, C., 2017. Estimation of lakes water storage and their changes on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau based on bathymetric and Landsat data and driving force analyses. Quaternary International 454, 56-67.

56. Yang, R., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Ju, J., Ma, Q., Turner, F., Guo, Y., 2017. Spatiotemporal variations in volume of closed lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and their climatic responses from 1976 to 2013. Climatic Change 140, 621-633.

57. 方楠, 阳坤, 拉珠, 陈莹莹, 王君波, 朱立平, 2017. WRF湖泊模型对青藏高原纳木错湖的适用性研究. 高原气象 36, 610-618.

58. 刘翀, 朱立平, 王君波, 乔宝晋, 鞠建廷, 黄磊, 2017. 基于MODIS的青藏高原湖泊透明度遥感反演. 地理科学进展 36, 597-609.

59. 刘玉青, 林晓, 王君波, 汪勇, 隗如义, 寇强强, 2017. 西藏中部当惹雍错湖泊阶地记录的中晚全新世古气候变化. 地理研究 36, 1191-1200.

60. 朱立平, 乔宝晋, 杨瑞敏, 刘翀, 王君波, 鞠建廷, 2017. 青藏高原湖泊水量与水质变化的新认知. 自然杂志, 166-172.


61. Ahlborn, M., Haberzettl, T., Wang, J., Fürstenberg, S., M?usbacher, R., Mazzocco, J., Pierson, J., Zhu, L., Frenzel, P., 2016. Holocene lake level history of the Tangra Yumco lake system, southern-central Tibetan Plateau. The Holocene 26, 176-187.

62. Guo, Y., Zhu, L., Frenzel, P., Ma, Q., Ju, J., Peng, P., Wang, J., Daut, G., 2016. Holocene lake level fluctuations and environmental changes at Taro Co, southwestern Tibet, based on ostracod-inferred water depth reconstruction. The Holocene 26, 29-43.

63. Akita, L.G., Frenzel, P., Wang, J., B?rner, N., Peng, P., 2016. Spatial distribution and ecology of the Recent Ostracoda from Tangra Yumco and adjacent waters on the southern Tibetan Plateau: A key to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters 59, 21-43.

64. Henkel, K., Haberzettl, T., St-Onge, G., Wang, J., Ahlborn, M., Daut, G., Zhu, L., M?usbacher, R., 2016. High-resolution paleomagnetic and sedimentological investigations on the Tibetan Plateau for the past 16 ka cal B.P.—The Tangra Yumco record. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17, 774-790.

65. Huang, L., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Ju, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Yang, R., 2016. Glacial activity reflected in a continuous lacustrine record since the early Holocene from the proglacial Laigu Lake on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 456, 37-45.

66. Lazhu, Yang, K., Wang, J., Lei, Y., Chen, Y., Zhu, L., Ding, B., Qin, J., 2016. Quantifying evaporation and its decadal change for Lake Nam Co, central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121, 7578-7591.

67. Liu, K., Liu, Y., Jiao, N., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Hu, A., Liu, X., 2016. Vertical variation of bacterial community in Nam Co, a large stratified lake in central Tibetan Plateau. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 1-13.

68. Turner, F., Zhu, L., Lü, X., Peng, P., Ma, Q., Wang, J., Hou, J., Lin, Q., Yang, R., Frenzel, P., 2016. Pediastrum sensu lato (Chlorophyceae) assemblages from surface sediments of lakes and ponds on the Tibetan Plateau. Hydrobiologia 771, 101-118.

69. Wang, R., Liu, Z., Jiang, L., Yao, Z., Wang, J., Ju, J., 2016. Comparison of surface water chemistry and weathering effects of two lake basins in the Changtang Nature Reserve, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 41, 183-194.

70. Wang, Y., Zhu, L., Wang, J., Ju, J., Peng, P., Lin, X., Hu, J., Nishimura, M., 2016. Paleohydrological processes revealed by n-alkane δD in lacustrine sediments of Lake Pumoyum Co, southern Tibetan Plateau, and their response to climate changes during the past 18.5 cal ka. Journal of Paleolimnology 56, 223-238.

71. Ahlborn, M., Haberzettl, T., Wang, J., Alivernini, M., Schlutz, F., Schwarz, A., Su, Y., Frenzel, P., Daut, G., Zhu, L., M?usbacher, R., 2015. Sediment dynamics and hydrologic events affecting small lacustrine systems on the southern-central Tibetan Plateau - the example of TT Lake. The Holocene 25, 508-522.

72. Akita, L.G., Frenzel, P., Haberzettl, T., Kasper, T., Wang, J., Reicherter, K., 2015. Ostracoda (Crustacea) as indicators of subaqueous mass movements: An example from the large brackish lake Tangra Yumco on the southern Tibetan Plateau, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 419, 60-74.

73. Haberzettl, T., Henkel, K., Kasper, T., Ahlborn, M., Su, Y., Wang, J., Appel, E., St-Onge, G., Stoner, J., Daut, G., Zhu, L., M?usbacher, R., 2015. Independently dated paleomagnetic secular variation records from the Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 416, 98-108.

74. Kasper, T., Haberzettl, T., Wang, J., Daut, G., Doberschütz, S., Zhu, L., M?usbacher , R., 2015. Hydrological variations on the Central Tibetan Plateau since the Last Glacial Maximum and their teleconnection to inter-regional and hemispheric climate variations. Journal of Quaternary Science 30, 70-78.

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